Problems From "How to Select and Use a Calculator" by P.R. Jamale 0.000123 / 456 * 7890000 = 2.1282236 see if \pi ~= 355 / 113 e ~= 2721 / 1001 see what a calculator does with: (\v/123456789)^2 80 / 81 (less interesting these days) ============================================================ From "HP-45 Applications Book" by Hewlett-Packard (HP 00045-90320 Rev B Reorder 00045-66001, Dec 1974) find x such that x = e^(-x) x ~= 0.567143290 find x such that 4 = x - 1/x x ~= 4.236067978 find x such that x^x = 1000 x ~= 4.555535705 find x such that (x^x)^x = 1E100 x = 10 find x such that x^(x^x) = 1E100 x ~= 3.830482864 find x such that x^2+4*sin(x)=0, x in radians, x ~= -1.933753764 find x such that x^3 = 3^x, 1 < x < e x ~= 2.478052679 ============================================================ Nifty formula (Mach formula) in the HP-91A Owner's Manual, page 73. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /[({[( [ 350 ]2)3.5 ][ ( ) ]-5.2656} )0.286 ] /5[({[(1 + 0.2[-----] ) - 1][1 - (6.875e-6)25500] } + 1) - 1] \/ [({[( [661.5] ) ][ ( ) ] } ) ] in solver form: SQRT(5 * ((((1 + 0.2 *(350 / 661.5)^2)^3.5 - 1) * (1 - 6.875e-6 * 25500)^-5.2656 + 1)^0.286 - 1)) ============================================================ Miscellaneous formulae in HP95LX "HPCALC" format, also suitable for most of the calculators with algebraic solvers. By Craig Finseth 19B-style date arithmetic: {19B Date|0=DDAYS(DATE1,DATE2,if(s(DAYS),1,if(s(x360D),3,2)))- if(s(DAYS),DAYS,if(s(x360D),x360D,x365D))+0*TODAY*l(TODAY,CDATE)} Some of the above problems: {x^3=3^x} {4=x-INV(x)} {x^x=1000} {x=EXP(-x)} {x^(x^x)=big} {(x^x)^x=big} Fun things to graph: {x^3=3^x} {sin(x)/x} {sin(x)} {SQ(x)+4*SIN(x)=0} For testing solvers: {TVM|(1-EXP(-n*LNP1(i/100)))*PMT*100/i+PV=-FV*EXP(-n*LNP1(i/100))} {sinx=SIGMA(i,0,last,1,(-1)^i*x^(2*i+1)/FACT(2*i+1))} ============================================================ From Adrian Hurt's ( 2 Dec 1991 posting to Comp.sys.handhelds:; ... It's certainly accurate enough that if you do my favourite calculator test, it gives a reasonable answer. The test is: sqr(asin(acos(atan(tan(cos(sin(0.01**2))))))) And the result was (should be) 0.0104586394192 (on a Psion-3).
Craig's Articles
Last modified Saturday, 2012-02-25T17:30:11-06:00.