Model: 48GX General: Name: Scientific Expandable HP-Code-Name: Hammer Family: Charlemagne Logic: RPL Features: scientific, programmable, clock, alarms date arithmetic, hyperbolics, complex base w/arithmetic, matrix, vector, lists, solver (algebraic, program), symbolic math, symbolic integration, differentiation, plotting, graphics, multiple equation solver, equation library, etc., etc. Firsts: 128K RAM built in, able to accept bank-switched RAM cards in port 2 up to 4 meg Introduction: Date: 1993-06-01 Price: $350 Discontinuation: Date: 2003-05-30 Price: $149.99 as of 2003-01-31 Production-Run: ? Display: Type: LCD, bit-mapped Size: 8 lines x 22 chars, 64 x 131 pixels Number-Formats: sign, 12 mantissa, ., exp sign, 2 exp see data types Annunciators: <\ left shift active /> right shift active \Ga alpha keyboard active ((.)) alarm has gone off or low battery hourglass busy /\ --> transmitting data \/ the following ones are in the message area: RAD radians mode GRAD grads mode R\<)Z polar/cylindrical mode R\<)\<) polar/spherical mode HALT program has been halted 1 user flag 1 set 2 user flag 2 set 3 user flag 3 set 4 user flag 4 set 5 user flag 5 set 1USR user keyboard active for one key USER user keyboard mode ALG alebraic-entry mode PRG program entry mode Data: User-Visible: Smallest: 1E-499 Largest: 9.99999999999E499 Signif.-Digits: 12 Internal: Smallest: 1E-49999 Largest: 9.99999999999999E49999 Signif.-Digits: 15 Data-Types-and-Sizes: type object size (bytes) display as 0 real number 10.5 1.2345 1 complex number 18.5 (6.7,8.9) (6.7,\<)8.9) 2 string 5 +length "XYZ" or $C 5 hello 3 real array 7.5+8*elements [ 9 8 7 ] 4 complex array 7.5+16*elements [ (1,2) (3,4) ] 5 list 5+2.5*elements+ { "FIN" Name } element storage 6 global name 5 + length X 7 local name 5 + length j 8 program as list \<< Z 4 * \>> 9 algebraic as list 'A=B-3' 10 binary integer 10.5 # 1010b 1-64 bits # 765o # 987d # FEDh 11 graphics object 10 + data Graphic 131 x 64 header 2.5 GROB 4 4 70607050 length 2.5 height 2.5 width 2.5 data <as required> 12 tagged object 5+tag+object area: 4.8 (tags can be applied to any object) :area: 2.3 13 unit object 7.5 plus: 55 km/s^2 Real magnitude:10.5 (2.5 if built-in) Prefixes: 6 Unit Names: 5 + no. chars Operators: (*,/ or ^): 2.5 Exponents: 10.5 (2.5 if built-in) 14 XLIB name 5.5 XLIB 645 2 15 directory as list DIR ... END 16 library ? Library 645: ... 17 backup object 5 + no. of Backup HOMEDIR name chars + included object 18 built-in function 2.5 COS 19 built-in command 2.5 ROLL 20 address 5 <28FCh> 21 long real 13 Long Real 22 long complex 23.5 Long Complex 23 linked array ? Linked Array 24 character 3.5 Character 25 code ? Code 26 library data ? Library Data 27-30 external ? External The sizes are guesses. Memory: Named-Registers: none Flags: 64-1 user flags 60 units type 61 units usage 63 variable state change -1 principal solution only -2 symbolic constants -3 numeric results -5 to -10 binary word size -11 to -12 base 0)decimal 1)octal 2)binary 3)hex -14 TVM payment mode -15 to -16 coordinates 0)rectangular 2)cylindrical 3)spherical -17 to -18 trig mode 0)degrees 1)radians 2)grads -19 vector/complex -20 underflow is error -21 overflow is error -22 infinite not an error -23 there was positive underflow -24 there was negative underflow -25 there was overflow -26 there was infinite -27 symbolic decompilation -28 plotting multiple functions -29 trace mode -31 disable curve filling -32 graphics cursor dark background -33 I/O to I/R -34 print to serial -35 I/O is binary format -36 receive overwrite variable -37 double-spaced print -38 supress line feed -39 supress Kermit messages -40 display clock -41 24 hour format -42 DD.MM.YY format -43 don't reschedule repeating alarms -44 save acknowledged alarms -45 to -48 set number of digits -49 to -50 display format 0)STD 1)SCI 2)FIX 3)ENG -51 fraction mark comma -52 multi-line object display -53 display () to mark precedence -54 tiny array elements -55 save last arguments -56 beep off -57 alarm beep off -58 verbose messages off -59 fast catalog display -60 alpha key once to lock -61 user key once to lock -62 user mode active -63 vectored enter on -64 set by GETI and PUTI when indices wrap Register-Usage: ALRMDAT current alarms CST custom menu EQ current equation IERR uncertainty of integration IOPAR I/O parameters {baud parity recv-pacing xmit-pacing checksum translate-code} PICT the graphics display PPAR plotting parameters {(xmin,ymin) (xmax,ymax) indepvar resolution (xaxis,yaxis) type dependvar} PRTPAR printing parameters {delay "remap" linelen "lineterm"} VPAR parameters used by 3D plot commands der... user-defined derivative n1,n2,... integers created by ISOL s1,s2,... signs created by ISOL and QUAD \GSDAT current statistics data \GSPAR statistics parameters {indepcol dependcol intercept slope model } Numbered-Registers: none Program-Steps: memory Program-Editing: insert or replace Program-Display: alpha User-RAM-Bytes: 128K Total-RAM-Bytes: 128K (256K max merged, 4224K max independent) ROM-Bytes: 512K Machine-State: flags stack user memory libraries File-Types: none Physical: Technology-Used: CMOS Processor: Yorke (00048-80063, 160 pin QFP), 4 MHz Chip-Count: 5 (Yorke CPU, 2x SED1181 (display column driver), 512K ROM, 128K RAM) Power-Source: 3 AAA cells Continuous-Memory: yes Expansion-Ports: 2 I/O-Ports: 4-wire serial, I/R I/O, beeper Clock: yes Length: 180mm Width: 81mm Height: 25mm Weight: 264g Temperature-Range: Operating: 0 to 45 deg C Charging: - Storage: -20 to 65 deg C Keyboard: Switches: none Shift-Keys: left, lavender, above left right, teal, above right alpha, white, right User-Defined-Keys: 6 menu keys, entire keyboard Key-Arrangement:: ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ***** ** ** ** ** * *** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** Key-Labels-Base-Keyboard:: [] [] [] [] [] [] MTH PRG CST VAR ^ NXT ' STO EVAL <| v |> x SIN COS TAN \v/x y 1/x ENTER +/- EEX DEL <- \Ga 7 8 9 \:- <\ 4 5 6 x /> 1 2 3 - ON 0 . SPC + (The ON key has a white lower label of CANCEL.) Key-Labels-Left-Lavender-Above-Left:: [] [] [] [] [] [] RAD [] [] [] [] PREV UP DEF ->NUM PICTUREVIEW SWAP 2 x x ASIN ACOS ATAN x 10 e EQUATION EDIT PURG CLEAR DROP USR [] [] [] ( ) [] [] [] [] [ ] [] [] [] [] \<< \>> CONT = , \pi { } Key-Labels-Right-Teal-Above-Right:: [] [] [] [] [] [] POLAR CHARS MODES MEMORY STACK MENU HOME RCL UNDO [] [] [] \.d \.S \GS x\v/y LOG LN MATRIX CMD ARG [] [] ENTRY SOLVE PLOT SYMBOLIC # [] TIME STAT UNITS _ [] I/O LIBRARY EQ LIB " " OFF -> <--| \<) : : Key-Labels-Alpha-White-Right:: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X [] Y Z [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ([] keys do the same as the base keyboard, but do not insert any extra spaces.) Key-Labels-Alpha-Left-Not-Shown:: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x & y z ! ? LC ` ^ : () [] $ L- currency [] [] == < \<= \<< \>> CONT = , \pi {} (The three characters starting after LC are non-spacing diacritics that compose with the character typed next.) Key-Labels-Alpha-Right-Not-Shown:: \Ga \Gb \GD \Gd \Ge \Gh \Gg \Gn \Goo | \|^ \Gl ' \Gm \GW \<- \|v \Gr \Gs \Gt % ~ \Gw \Gx- @ +- \GZ upside! upside? INS ' ~ etc. # [] c| Y= \^o _ [] \=/ > \>= "" OFF \-> return \<) :: (The three characters starting after INS are non-spacing diacritics that compose with the character typed next.) Programmable-Operations:: ! factorial or gamma " " identify string # identify binary number % compute percent %CH compute percent change %T compute percent total ' identify algebraic ( ) precedence; identify complex number *H adjust plot height *W adjust plot width + addition +/- change sign - subtraction -> create local variable ->ARRY create an array ->COL matrix to columns ->DATE set the date ->DIAG matrix diagonal to array ->GROB create a grob ->HMS convert to HH.MMSS ->LCD put grob into LCD ->LIST create a list ->NUM evaluate an object to a numeric value ->Q converts a number to a fractional equivalent ->Q\pi converts a number to a fractional equivalent after factoring out \pi ->ROW matrix to rows command ->STR create a string ->TAG create a tagged object ->TIME set the time ->UNIT create a unit object ->V2 create a 2d vector ->V3 create a 3d vector 0-9, . enter digit 1/x reciprocal 10^x common exponentiation : : identify tag < "less than" comparison test = "equal" comparison test == "equality" comparison test > "greater than" comparison test A ampere unit a are unit (100 m^2) ABS absolute value ACK acknowledge displayed past due alarm ACKALL acknowledge all past due alarms ACOS arc cosine ACOSH hyperbolic arc cosine ADD add lists' corresponding elements acre acre unit ALOG common antilogarithm AMORT amortize AND logical / binary and ANIMATE animate GROBs in stack Ao Angstrom unit APPLY applies an operator to an expression ARC draw an arc ARCHIVE makes a backup copy of HOME arcmin arc minutes unit arcs arc seconds unit ARG compute polar angle of a coordinate ARRY-> separate array (28 compatability) ASIN arc sine ASINH hyperbolic arc sine ASN assign user key ASR arithmetic shift right ATAN arc tangent ATANH hyperbolic arc tangent ATICK axes tick-mark atm atmosphere unit ATTACH attach a library to a directory au astronomical unit AUTO auto-scales Y axis AXES set axes intersections b barn unit B->R convert binary to real BAR select bar plot bar bar unit (pressure) BARPLOT draw a bar plot BAUD set baud bbl barrel unit BEEP sound a beep BESTBIT select best fit model BIN select binary mode BINS sort summation into bins BLANK blank grob BOX draw a box Bq Becquerel unit of activity Btu British Thermal Unit bu bushel unit BUFLEN returns the number of characters in the serial in buffer BYTES returns object size and checksum C Couloumb unit c speed of light constant C->PX convert user to pixel coordinates C->R convert complex to real cal calorie unit CASE ... THEN ... END ... END case statement cd Candela unit CEIL next larger integer CENTR identify center of plot display CF clear flag chain chain unit CHOOSE create user-defined choose box CHR convert integer to character Ci Curie unit CKSM specifies Kermit checksum CLEAR clears the stack CLKADJ adjust clock ticks CLLCD clear display CLOSEIO close serial port CLTEACH clear teaching examples CLUSR clear all variables CLVAR clear all variables CL\GS clear statistics data cm centimeter unit cm/s centimeters/second unit cm^2 square centimeters unit cm^3 cubic centimeters unit CNRM compute column normal COLCT collect like terms COL+ insert column COL- delete column COL\GS specifies dependant and independant statistics variables COL-> columns to matrix COMB combinations CON constant array COND returns column-norm condition number of square matrix CONIC selects conic polot CONJ compute complex conjugate CONLIB open constants library CONST returns value of a constant CONT continue CONVERT compute unit conversion CORR compute correlation coefficent COS cosine COSH hyperbolic cosine COV compute covariance CR print a carriage-right CRDIR create directory CROSS compute cross product CSWP column swap CT carat unit cu cup unit CYLIN cylindrical mode d day unit D->R convert degrees to radians DARCY darcy friction factor function DATE return the date DATE+ add days to date DDAYS compute days between dates DEC specify decimal mode DECR decrements variable DEFINE create a user-defined function DEG specify degrees mode DELALARM remove an alarm DELAY specify printing delay DELKEYS delete key assignments DEPND specify dependant plot variable DEPTH size of stack DET compute determinant DETACH detach a library DIAG-> array to matrix diagonal DIFFEQ differential equation plot type DISP display object in line of display DO ... UNTIL ... END do loop DOERR generate error DOLIST do to list object DOSUBS do to sublist DOT compute dot product DRAW draw plot DRAX draw axes DROP drop one object DROP2 drop two objects DROPN drop N objects DTAG remove tags DUP duplicate object DUP2 duplicate two objects DUPN duplicate N items dyn dyn unit e symbolic constant 'e' EEX enter exponent EGV Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors command EGVL Eigenvalues command ELSE control structure component END control structure component ENDSUB ending sublist command ENG specify ENG mode ENTER enter EQ-> separate equation EQNLIB start the equation library ERASE erase PICT erg erg unit ERR0 clear error ERRM last error message ERRN last error number eV electron volt unit EVAL evaluate object EXP natural exponentiation EXPAN expands algebraic EXPFIT exponential curve fit EXPM natural exponentiation - 1 e^x natural exponentiation EYEPT eyepoint command F Farad unit F0\Gl black body emissive power function FACT factorial FANNING fanning friction factor function fath fathom unit fbm board foot unit fc footcandle unit FC? is a flag clear? FC?C is a flag clear? and clear Fdy Faraday unit fermi Fermi unit FFT discrete Fourier Transform command FINDALARM find an alarm FINISH end Kermit server mode FIX specify FIX display mode flam footlambert unit FLOOR next smaller integer FOR ... NEXT for loop FOR ... STEP for loop FP fractional part FREE free merged memory FREE1 free RAM card in port 1 FREEZE freeze part of display FS? is a flag set? FS?C is a flag set? then clear ft foot unit ft*lbf foot-pound unit ft/s feet per second unit ftUS US foot unit ft^2 square feet unit ft^3 cubic feet unit FUNCTION specify function plot g gram unit ga standard freefall acceleration constant gal US gallon unit galC Canadian gallon unit galUK UK gallon unit GET get an element from a list, vector, or matrix GETI get an element from a list, vector, or matrix and increment gf gram-force unit GOR graphics OR GRAD specify GRADS mode grad grads unit grain grains unit GRAPH enter the graphics environment GRIDMAP gridmap plot type command GXOR graphics XOR Gy Gray unit of radiation H Henry unit h hour unit ha hectare unit HALT suspend execution HEAD first listed element command HEX specify hexadecimal mode HISTOGRAM specify histogram plot HISTPLOT draw a histogram HMS+ hh.mmss addition HMS- hh.mmss subtraction HMS-> convert to hh.mmss HOME move to home directory hp horsepower unit Hz Hertz unit i return symbolic constant i IDN identity matrix IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... END if-statement IF ... THEN ... END if-statement IFERR ... THEN ... ELSE ... END error trap IFERR ... THEN ... END error trap IFFT inverse discrete Fourier transform IFT stack-based if IFTE stack-based if, can be used in algebraics IM return imaginary part in inch unit INCR increment variable INDEP specify independent variable for plotting INFORM user-defined dialog box command inH20 inches of water unit inHg inches of mercury unit INPUT accept input INV reciprocal in^2 square inches unit IN^3 cubic inches unit IP integer part IR infrared/serial transmission command ISOL isolate an equation variable J Joule unit K Kelvin unit kcal kilocalorie unit KERRM return last Kermit error message KEY check for key press kg kilogram unit KGET get data using Kermit KILL abort all suspended programs kip kilopound of force unit km kilometers unit km^2 square kilometers unit knot knots unit kph kilometers per hour unit l liter unit LABEL labels axes lam lambert unit LAST return last arguments LASTARG return last arguments lb Avoirdupois pount unit lbf pound-force unit lbt troy pound unit LCD-> return LCD as a grob LIBEVAL evaluate library function command LIBS lists library objects LINE draw line LINFIT specify linear model LININ linear test function LIST-> separate list (28 compatability) lm lumen unit LN natural logarithm LNP1 natural logarithm + 1 LOG common logarithm LOGFIT specify logarithmic model LQ LQ factorization of a matrix LR compute linear regression LSQ least squares solution command LU LU decomposition of a square matrix lx lux unit lyr light-year unit m meter unit m/s meters per second unit MANT return mantissa MAX larger of two number MAXR largest real number MAX\GS largest statistics value MCALC make calculated value command MEAN compute mean MEM compute available memory MENU select a built-in menu MERGE merges RAM card into main memory MERGE1 merge RAM in port 1 MeV mega electron volt unit mho mho unit mi international mile unit mil mil unit MIN smaller of two numbers min minutes unit MINEHUNT minehunt game MINIT multiple equation menu initialization command MINR smallest positive real number MIN\GS smallest statistics value MITM multiple equation menu item order command miUS US mile unit miUS^2 square US miles unit mi^2 square miles unit ml milliliters unit mm millimeters unit mmHg millimeters of mercury unit MOD modulus mol mole unit Mpc mega parsec unit MPH miles per hour unit MROOT multiple roots command MSGBOX message box command MSOLVR multiple equation solver command MUSER make user=defined variable command M^2 square meter unit M^3 cubic meter unit N Newton unit NDIST normal distribution command NEG negate an argument NEWOBJ create a new instance of an object NEXT control structure component nmi nautical mile unit NOT logical or binary not NOVAL INFORM place holder/result command NSUB number of sublist command NUM convert character to a number NUMX number of X-steps command NUMY number of Y-steps command N\GS number of entries in summation OBJ-> separate object OCT specify octal mode OFF off OLDPRT maps printer output to HP 82249A character set OPENIO open serial port OR logical or binary or ORDER specify order of objects in a directory OVER select object oz ounce unit ozfl US fluid ounce unit ozt Troy ounce unit ozUK UK fluid ounce unit P Poise unit of viscosity Pa Pascal unit PARAMETRIC specify parametric plot PARITY sets parity PARSURFACE parsurface plot type command PATH returns current path pc parsec unit PCOEFF monic polynomial coefficients command PCONTOUR pcontour plot type command PCOV population covariance command PDIM changes the size of PICT pdl poundal unit of force PERM compute permutations PEVAL polynomial evaluation command PGDIR purge directory ph phot unit of illuminance PICK fetch object PICT specify screen for graphics PICTURE picture environment command PINIT port initialize command PIX? is pixel set? PIXOFF turn pixel off PIXON turn pixel on pk peck unit PKT send a Kermit packet to a server PMAX sets the upper-right plot coordinate PMIN sets the lower-left plot coordinate POLAR specify polar plot POS find position of object in another PR1 print level 1 object PREDV predict the dependant variable PREDX compute X given Y PREDY compute Y given X PRLCD print screen PROMPT display prompt and print program PROOT polynomial roots command PRST print stack PRSTC print stack compactly PRVAR print a variable PSDEV population standard deviation command psi pounds per square inch unit pt pint unit PURGE deletes one or more variables PUT put an element to a list, vector, or matrix PUTI put an element to a list, vector, or matrix and incremnt PVAR population variance command PVARS return a lists of backup and library objects PVIEW display PICT at location PWRFIT specify power model PX->C convert pixel to user coordinates qt quart unit QUAD solve a quadratic polynomial QUOTE returns an argument unevaluated R roentgen unit r radian unit R->B convert real to binary R->C convert real to complex R->D convert radians to degrees RAD specify radians mode rad rad unit of absorbed dose RAND compute random number RANK matrix rank command RANM random matrix command RATIO prefix divide function RCEQ recalls the current equation RCI multiply matrix row by constant RCIJ add multiplied matrix row RCL recall value RCLALARM recall an alarm RCLF recall flags RCLKEYS recall key assignments command RCLMENU recall current menu RCL\GS recall the current statistics matrix RCWS recall binary word size rd rod unit RDM redimension a matrix RDZ set the random number seed RE return real part RECN receive file from remote Kermit, save in name RECT rectangular mode RECV receive file from remote Kermit, save as file rem rem unit REPEAT control structure component REPL replace RES set the plot resolution RESTORE restore a backup object REVLIST reverse list command RKF solve for initial values (Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg) RKFERR error estimate for Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method RKFSTEP next solution step for RKF command RL rotate left RLB rotate left byte RND round number RNRM compute row normal of a matrix (maximum of sums of absolute values of all elements of all rows) ROLL roll stack ROLLD roll stack down ROOT compute numerical root ROT move level 3 object to level 1 ROW+ insert row command ROW- delete row command ROW-> rows to matrix command RR rotate right RRB rotate right byte RREF reduced row echelon form command RRK solve for initial values (Rosenbrock,Runge-Kutta) RRKSTEP next solution step and method (RKF or RRK) command RSBERR error estimate for Rosenbrock method command RSD compute residual to solution of system of linear equations RSWP row swap command S Siemens unit s second unit SAME comparison test sb Stilb unit of luminance SBRK send a break on the serial line SCALE specify x and y scale SCATRPLOT draw a scatter plot SCATTER scatter plot type command SCHUR Schur decomposition of a square matrix SCI specify scientific display mode SCL\GS scale sigma command SCONJ conjugate the contents of a variable SDEV compute standard deviation SEND send the object using Kermit SEQ sequential calculation command SERVER go into Kermit server mode SF set flag SHOW resolve all name references SIDENS silicon intrinsic density command SIGN return the sign of a number SIMU simultaneous plotting command SIN sine SINH hyperbolic sine SINV invert the contents of a variable SIZE returns the dimensions of an object SL shift left SLB shift left byte SLOPE compute slope SLOPEFIELD slopefield plot type command slug slug unit SNEG negates the contents of a variable SNRM spectral norm command SOLVEQN start equation solver SORT ascending order sort command SPHERE spherical mode command SQ square sr steradian unit SR shift right SRAD spectral radius command SRB shift right byte SRECV reads data from serial port St Stoke unit of viscosity st stere unit of volume START ... NEXT loop with no index variable START ... STEP loop with no index variable, variable step STD specify standard display mode STEP control structure component STEQ store into EQ STIME sets serial timeout STO store into variable STO* store with multiplication into variable STO+ store with addition into variable STO- store with subtraction into variable STO/ store with division into variable STOALARM store an alarm STOF set system flags STOKEYS make user key assignments STO\GS store into \GSDAT STREAM stream execution command STR-> separate string (28 compatability) STWS sets binary wordsize SUB extracts portion of an object Sv Sievert unit of dose equivalent SVD singular value decomposition command SVL singular values command SWAP exchange two objects SYSEVAL evaluates object T Tesla unit t metric ton unit TAIL last listed elements command TAN tangent TANH hyperbolic tangent TAYLR compute Taylor series approximation tbsp tablespoon unit TDELTA temperature delta function TEACH teaching examples function TEXT selects the stack display (as opposed to graphics) THEN control structure component THEN ... END control structure components therm therm unit TICKS return time in clock ticks TIME return the current time TINC emperature incrememt command TLINE draw line toggling pixels TMENU display temporary menu ton short ton unit tonUK UK ton unit torr torr unit TOT compute statistics sums TRACE matrix trace command TRANSIO select character translation TRN transpose TRNC truncate fucntion TRUNC truncates a number TRUTH specify truth plot tsp teaspoon unit TSTR convert date and time to string TVARS lists variables of type TVM time value of money command TVMBEG payment at start of period command TVMEND payment at end of period command TVMROOT TVM root command TYPE returns type of an object u unified atomic mass unit UBASE convert to SI base units UFACT factor compound unit UNTIL control structure component UPDIR move up one level in path UTPC upper-tail Chi-Square distribution UTPF upper-tail F-distribution UTPN upper-tail normal distrbution UTPT upper-tail t-distribution UVAL return numeric portion of a unit V volt unit V-> separate a vector VAR compute variances VARS return list of variables VERSION software version command VTYPE return variable's type W Watt unit WAIT pause execution for time or key Wb Weber unit WHILE ... REPEAT ... END while statement WIREFRAME wireframe plot type command WSLOG return warm start log x multiplication XCOL specify independant variable XMIT sent serial data XOR logical or binary xor XPON return exponent XRECV Xmodem receive command XRNG specify x-axis plotting range XROOT xth root of y XSEND Xmodem send command XVOL X volume coordinates command XXRNG X range of an input plane x\v/y xth root of y x^2 square YCOL specify dependant variable yd yard unit yd^2 square yard unit yd^3 cubic yard unit yr year unit YRNG specify y-axis plotting range YSLICE Y slice plot command YVOL Y range of an input place y^x power ZFACTOR gas compressibility Z factor function ZVOL Z volume coordinates command [ ] identify array \.d differentiate \.S integrate \:- division \<) identify polar or spherical coordinates \<< \>> identify program \<= comparison test \=/ comparison test \>= comparison test \GDLIST list differences command \Gm micron unit \GPILIST list product command \GS sum expression over range \GS+ add to statistics \GS- add to statistics \GSLINE compute best-fit line \GSLIST list sum command \GSX compute sum of X data \GSX*Y compute sum of products of X and Y data \GSX^2 compute sum of squares of X data \GSY compute sum of Y data \GSY^W compute sum of squares of Y data \GW ohms unit \pi symbolic constant \v/x square root \^o degrees units \^oC degrees C units \^oF degrees F units \^oR degrees R units ^ power _ identify unit { } identify list | where; substitute symbolics for names Non-Programmable-Operations:: (()) parenthesize neighbors (X,Y) toggles on or off the current cursor coordinates at the bottom of the display (<- expand subexpression left />(<- repeat (<- until no change *1 multiply by 1 +1-1 add and subtract 1 +COL insert a column of zeros +ROW insert a row of zeros , separate numbers -() double negate and distribute ->() distribute prefix ->) expand subexpression right />->) repeat (<- until no change ->DEF expand trig and hyp functions into EXP and LN ->STK put object onto stack ->LIST combines objects from level 1 to current level into a list ->TRG replace exponential with trigonometric functions -COL delete a matrix column -ROW delete a matrix row /1 divide by 1 /> right shift 1-VAR makes entry the statistical matrix and displays menu page 2 1/() double invert and distribute 12/24 toggle 12 and 24 hour display format 2-VAR makes entry the statistical matrix and displays menu page 4 2D assemble or disassemble a 2d vector 3D assemble or disassemble a 3d vector <- erase last character or object <--> commute arguments <--| enter newline <-A associate left /><-A repeat <-A until no change <-D distribute left /><-D repeat <-D until no change <-DEL delete item to the left /><-DEL delete all items to the end of the line <-M merge factors left /><-M repeat <-M until no change <-SKIP move left one item <-T move term left /><-T repeat T-> until no change <-WID decrease column width <\ left shift <| left arrow >DATE set alarm date >TIME set alarm time vCHK toggle checkmark field on and off A-> associate right />A-> repeat A-> until no change A/PM specify AM/PM format in clock A/PM specify AM/PM format in alarm ADJST TIME sub-menu AF add fractions ALGEBRA bring up menu ALRM TIME sub-menu AMORT calculate amount of principal, interest,etc. for TVM vars AMRT calculate amortization data for scenario currently in solver ANGL UNITS sub-menu AREA calculate area under plot AREA UNITS sub-menu ARG enable/disable LAST ARG ASCII specify ASCII/binary Kermit transfer ATTN abort execution; exit special environments; clear messages AUTO scale Y axis and draw plot />AXES recall axes intersection B->PV yransfers remaining balance after an amortization to PV var. BASE MTH sub-menu BEEP enable/disable beep BEG Toggle payment mode between Beginning or End of onth BOX draw box BOXZ toggle expanding box drawing mode on and off BRCH PGM sub-menu CALC copies contents of current field to stack and displays stack CANCL erases command line and cancels entry in process CAT STAT sub-menu CENT redraw graph centered />CENT recall center coordinates CHOOS display a choose box CIRCL draw circle CLK enable/disable clock display CLR clears screen or pict CMD enable/disable LAST CMD CNCT enable/disable curve filling CNTR redraws graph with center at current cursor position COLCT collect like terms COORD displays cursor coordinates COPY copies highlighted object to a new location CST custom menu CTRL PGM sub-menu D-> distribute right />D-> repeat D-> until no change DAY repeating alarm interval DBUG debugger DEL delete next item DEL-> delete item to the right />DEL-> delete all items to the end of the line />DEPN recall dependant variable DINV double invert DNEG double negate DOT+ turn on pixel drawing DOT- turn off pixel drawing DRAW plot equation with axes DRPN drop items from stack DSPL PGM sub-menu DUPN duplicate items E() replace power-of-power with power-product ECHO copy items to stack EDEQ edit equation EDIT EDIT menu EDIT\GS copy statistics data to matrix writer ELEC UNITS sub-menu ENRG UNITS sub-menu ENTRY toggle algebraic and program entry modes EQ+ add equation to EQ />EQ+ remove last entry from EQ EQUATION equation writer application ERASE erase PICT EXEC set alarm execution action />EXEC recall alarm execution action EXECS show alarm execution action EXIT exits environemnt EXPND expand algebraic object EXPR highlights subexpression EXPR= return expression or equation values EXTR move cursor to extremum E^ replace power-of-product with power-of-power F' plot first derivative F(X) display value of function FAST toggles display of equation names or names and values FCN PLOT sub-menu FM,/FM. set fraction mark FORCE UNITS sub-menu GO-> set matrix entry mode to left-to-right GOv set matrix entry mode to top-to-bottom GRAPH invokes scrolling mode HOUR repeating alarm interval HR+ adjust hours HR- adjust hours HYP MTH sub-menu HZIN zoom in horizontally HZOUTN zoom out horizontally I/O I/O menu />INDEP recall independent variable INFO display information about reserved variables INFO? toggles automatic display of information INIT+ stores values of differential equation solution as new initial values for the next iteration INS switches between insert and replace editing IR/W infrared/wire selection ISECT move cursor to closest intersection KEEP clear stack levels above current KEYS remove graphics application menu labels L() replace product-of-log with log-of-power L* replace log-of-power with product-of-log LABEL labels axes LAST ARG retains stack and restores last arguments LAST CMD return last command line LAST MENU return last menu LAST STACK restore last stack LENG UNITS sub-menu LEVEL enter level number to stack LIBRARY bring up menu LIGHT UNITS sub-menu LINE draw line M-> merge factors right />M-> repeat M-> until no change M/D toggles date display format MARK sets mark at cursor position MASS UNITS sub-menu MATCH accesses the pattern matching functions within the symbolic form MATRX MTH sub-menu MATRIX matrix writer application MEMORY bring up menu MENU toggles the soft-key menu on or off MIN+ adjust minutes MIN- adjust minutes ML chooses the multiple-line or single-line display for multiline results MODES bring up menu MODL STAT sub-menu MOVE moves the selected variables to a new directory MTH bring up menu NEW stores algebraic or matrix under new name NEXT display but doesn't execute next object NONE cancel alarm repeat NXEQ rotate list in EQ NXT next screen or menu OBJ PRG sub-menu OFF off OK accepts the values of all fields as they are displayed ON turn on ON + + adjust contrast ON + - adjust contrast ON + A + F clear all memory ON + B cancels ON + selection ON + C bring calculator to known state without clearing memory ON + D interactive self-test, exit with ON + C A display CPU speed B press ENTER for display patterns C check internal ROM D check internal RAM DEL summary of tests E test keyboard ENTER initialize test times F partial keyboard test G ESD test H UART loop back test I wired UART echo J identify what's plugged in K port RAM device test L blank display M sent time to I/R port N receive time from I/R port O wireless loop back test P writeless UART echo test S show test start time T show test fail time U looping test V looping test W looping test X looping test Y looping test Z looping test ON + E continuous self-test, stop with ON + C ON + I/O print screen ON + PRINT graphics screen dump ON + SPC enters coma mode, which turns off all timers and saves power ON + TIME cancels next repeating alarm OPTS selects plot options PARTS MTH sub-menu />PDIM recall PICT size PICK copies object to level 1 PICT-> copies the current PICT as a GROB to the stack PLOT bring up menu PLOTR PLOT sub-menu POLAR switches rectangular and polar coordinates PORT0 LIBRARY sub-menu PORT1 LIBRARY sub-menu PORT2 LIBRARY sub-menu POWR UNITS sub-menu PRED calculated predicted value of a variable from regression model PRESS UNITS sub-menu PREV previous screen or menu />PREV first menu page PRG bring up menu PRINT prints an object PROB MTH sub-menu PTYPE PLOT sub-menu PURG purges selected equation RAD switches radians and degrees mode RAD UNITS sub-menu RCLKEYS recall user key assignments RECV prepares HP48 to receive data />RES recall spacing RESET reset plot parameters REVIEW brings up data in appropriate application ROLL roll object to level 1 ROLLD roll object in level 1 to here ROOT move cursor to root RPT TIME sub-menu RULES equation writer sub-menu R\<)Z specify polar/cylindrical mode R\<)\<) specify polar/spherical mode />SCALE recall scale SEC repeating alarm interval SEC+ adjust seconds SEC- adjust seconds SEND send the specified object(s) SET TIME sub-menu SET set alarm SETUP I/O sub-menu SHADE shade the area between two graphs SIMU toggles between simultaneous and sequential plotting of multiple functions SKIP-> move right over object SLOPE compute slope SOLVE bring up menu SOLVR bring up SOLVE menu SPC type a space SPEED UNITS sub-menu SST single step SSTv single step enter procedure STAT bring up menu STEP executes the next step in a step-wise differentiation STK PRG sub-menu STK enable/disable LAST STK SYM toggle symbolic/numeric results T-> move term right />T-> repeat T-> until no change TANL draws line tangent to the current function at x-value of the cursor TEMP UNITS sub-menu TEST PRG sub-menu TIME bring up menu TIME UINTS sub-menu TLINE toggles pixels in PICT on line defined by two coordinates TRACE toggles trace mode on and off TRG* expand trig and hyp functions of sums and differences TYPES displays a list of valid object types for selected field UNITS bring up menu USR user keyboard: press once and user keyboard is enabled for one key; press twice and user keyboard is locked on; third press clears user keyboard v move down VAR variable sub-menu VEC toggles vector and array modes VECTR MTH sub-menu VIEW views object in level 1 VISC UNITS sub-menu VISIT edit object named by level 1 object vMATCH match and replace, beginning with top level expression VOL UNITS sub-menu VZIN zooms in vertically VZOUT zooms out vertically WEEK repeating alarm interval WID-> increase column width X select X axis zoom XAUTO select X axis zoom with auto scaling />XCOL recall independant variable />XRNG recall x axis display range XY select X and Y axis zoom XYZ select rectangular mode Y select Y axis zoom />YCOL recall dependant variable />YRNG recall Y axis display range ZAUTO autoscales and redraws the graph Z-BOX zoom in to box />Z-BOX zoom in to box, autoscaling Y ZDECI scales horizontal axis so every pixel represents 0.1 ZDFLT resets PPAR to current scale settings ZFACT displays input form to set zoom default factors ZIN zooms in by a standard factor ZINTG sets horizontal scale and vertical scale so every pixel represents 1 ZLAST returns to previous zoom factor ZOOM GRAPH sub-menu ZOUT zooms out by a standard factor ZSQR resets vertical scale to match the horizontal scale ZTRIG seta horizontal scale so every ten pixels represents pi/2 and sets vertical scale so every ten pixels represents 1 \Ga alpha keyboard: press once and alpha keyboard is enabled for one key; press twice and alpha keyboard is locked on; third press clears alpha keyboard ^ move up ^1 raise to power 1 ^MATCH match and replace, beginning with subexpressions ^STK selects interactive stack |> right arrow Menus:: SYMBOLIC: COLCT EXPA ISOL QUAD SHOW TAYLR ^MAT vMAT ->Q ->Q\pi | APPLY QUOT MTH: VECTR MATR LIST HYP REAL BASE PROB FFT CMPL CONS VECTR: ABS DOT CROSS V-> ->V2 ->V3 RECT CYLIN SPHER MATR: MAKE NORM FACTR COL ROW LSQ RSD EGV EGVL ->DIAG DIAG-> MAKE: CON IDN TRN RDM RANM SIZE GET GETI PUT PUTI SUB REPL MATR NORM: ABS SNRM RNRM CNRM SRAD COND RANK DET TRACE MATR FACTR: RREF LU LQ QR SCHUR SVD SVL MATR COL: ->COL COL-> COL+ COL- CSWP MATR ROW: ->ROW ROW-> ROW+ ROW- RCI RCIJ RSWP MATR LIST: \GDLIST \GSLIST \GPILIST SORT REVLI ADD HYP: SINH ASINH COSH ACOSH TANH ATAN EXPM LNP1 PROB: COMB PERM ! RAND RDZ UTPC UTPF UTPN UTPT NDIST REAL: % %CH %T MIN MAX MOD ABS SIGN MANT XPON IP FP RND TRNC FLOOR CEIL D->R R->D BASE: HEX DEC OCT BIN R->B B->R LOGIC BIT BYTE STWS RCWS LOGIC: AND OR XOR NOT BASE BIT: RL SL ASR SR RR BASE BYTE: RLB SLB SRB RRB BASE FFT: FFT IFFT CMPL: RE IM C->R R->C ABS ARG SIGN NEG CONJ CONS: E 2.718 I (0,1) \Gpi 3.141 MINR 1.E-4 MAXR 9.999 PRG: BRCH TEST TYPE LIST GROB PICT IN OUT RUN ERROR BRCH: IF CASE START FOR DO WHILE IFT IFTE IF: IF THEN ELSE END BRCH CASE: CASE THEN END BRCH START: START NEXT STEP BRCH FOR: FOR NEXT STEP BRCH DO: DO UNTIL END BRCH WHILE: WHILE REPEA END BRCH TEST: == \=/ < > <= >= AND OR XOR NOT SAME TYPE SF CF FS? FC? FS?C FC?C LININ TYPE: OBJ-> ->ARR ->LIST ->STR ->TAG ->UNIT C->R R->C NUM CHR DTAG EQ-> TYPE VTYPE LIST: ELEM PROC OBJ-> ->LIST SUB REPL ELEM: GET GETI PUT PUTI SIZE POS HEAD TAIL PROC: DOLIS DOSUB NSUB ENDS STREA REVLI SORT SEQ GROB: ->GRO BLAN GOR GXOR SUB REPL ->LCD LCD-> SIZE ANIM PICT: PICT PDIM LINE TLINE BOX ARC PIIXON PIXOF PIX? PVIEW PX->C C->PX IN: INFOR NOVA CHOOS INPUT KEY WAIT PROM OUT: PVIEW TEXT CLLCD DISP FREEZ MSGB BEEP RUN: DBUG SST SSTv NEXT HALT KILL OFF ERROR: DOERR ERRN ERRM ERR0 LASTA IFERR IFERR: IFERR THEN ELSE END ERROR CHAR: SUB REPL POS SIZE NUM CHR OBJ-> ->STR HEAD TAIL CST: custom menu EDIT: <-SKIP SKIP-> <-DEL DEL-> INS ^STK EQUATION: type <| to activate SELECTION menu SELECTION:RULES EDIT EXPR SUB REPL EXIT RULES: DNEG DINV *1 ^1 /1 +1-1 COLCT these are not in proper order: (()) (<- ->) <--> <-M M-> <-A A-> ->() <-D D-> AF -() 1/() L* L() E^ E() ->DEF TRG* MODES: FMT ANGL FLAG KEYS MENU MISC FMT: STD FIX SCI ENG FM, ML MODE ANGL: DEG RAD GRAD RECT CYLIN SPHER MODE FLAG: SF CF FS? FC? FS?C FC?C STOF RCLF RESET MODE KEYS: ASN STOK RCLK DELK MODE MENU: MENU CST TMEN RCLM MODE MISC: BEEP CLK SYM STK ARG CMD INFO MODE MEMORY: MEM BYTES NEWO DIR ARITH ARCHI RESTO DIR: PATH CRDIR PGDIR VARS TVARS ORDER MEM ARITH: STO+ STO- STO* STO/ INCR DECR SINV SNEG SCON MEM STACK: OVER ROT ROLL ROLLD PICK DEPTH DUP DUP2 DUPN DROP2 DRPN SOLVE: ROOT DIFFE POLY SYS TVM ROOT: SOLVR ROOT EQ SOLVE DIFFE: RKF RRK RKFS RRKS RKFE RSBER SOLVE POLY: PROOT PCOEF PEVAL SOLVE SYS: / LSQ RSD SOLVE TVM: SOLVR TVMR AMOR BEG SOLVE SOLVR: N I%YR PV PMT FV AMRT PYR BEG PLOT: PTYPE PPAR EQ ERASE DRZX DRAW 3D STAT FLAG LABEL AUTO INFO PTYPE: FUNC CONIC POLAR PARA TRUTH DIFFE PLOT PPAR: INDEP DEPN XRNG YRNG RES RESET CENT SCALE *W *H AXES ATICK PPAR INFO PLOT 3D: PTYPE VPAR EQ PLOT PTYPE: SLOPE WIREF YSLIC PCON GRID PARSU 3D VPAR: XVOL YVOL ZVOL XXRN YYRN INFO EYEPT NUMX NUMY VPAR RESET INFO 3D STAT: PTYPE DATA \GSPAR PLOT PTYPE: BAR HISTO SCATT STAT DATA: \GS+ \GS- CL\GS \GSDAT STAT \GSPAR: XCOL YCOL MODL \GSPAR RESET INFO STAT MODL: LINFI LOGFI EXPFI PWRFI BESTF \GSPAR FLAG: AXES CNCT SIMU PLOT TIME: DATE ->DAT TIME ->TIM TICKS ALRM DATE+ DDAYS ->HMS HMS-> HMS+ HMS- TSTR CLKA ALRM: ACK ACKA STOAL RCLAL DELAL FINDA TIME STAT: DATA \GSPAR 1VAR PLOT FIT SUMS DATA: \GS+ \GS- CL\GS \GSDAT STAT \GSPAR: XCOL YCOL MODL \GSPAR RESET INFO STAT MODL: LINFI LOGFI EXPFI PWRFI BESTF \GSPAR 1VAR: TOT MEAN SDEV MAX\GS MIN\GS BINS VAR PSDEV PVAR STAT PLOT: BARPL HISTP SCATR STAT FIT: \GSLINE LR PREDX PREDY CORR COV PCOV STAT SUMS: \GSX \GSY \GSX^2 \GSY^2 \GSX*Y N\GS STAT I/O: SRVR IOPAR PRINT PR1 SEND RECV SERIA KERR RECN CLOSE XSEN XRECV SRVR: SERVE PKT KGET FINIS I/O IOPSR: IR ASCII BAUD PARIT CKSM TRAN IOPAR RESET INFO I/O PRINT: PRVAR PRST PRSTC PRLCD CR PRTPA PR1 I/O PRTPA: DELAY OLDPR PRTPA RESET INFO PRINT SERIA: XMIT SRECV STIME SBRK BUFLE OPENI I/O LIBRARY: PORTS PVARS LIBS MERG FREE1 DETAC ATTAC PORTS: :0: (:1:) (:2:) etc. UNITS: LENG AREA VOL TIME SPEED MASS FORCE ENRG POWR PRESS TEMP ELEC ANGL LIGHT RAD VISC LENG: M CM MM YD FT IN MPC PC LYR AU KM MI NMI MIUS CHAIN RD FATH FTUS MIL \Gm A FERMI AREA: M^2 CM^2 B YD^2 FT^2 IN^2 KM^2 HA A MI^2 MIUS^ ACRE VOL: M^3 ST CM^3 YD^3 FT^3 IN^3 L GALU GALC GAL QT PT ML CU OZFL OZUK TBSP TSP BBL BU PK FBM TIME: YR D H MIN S HZ SPEED: M/S CM/S FT/S KPH MPH KNOT C GA MASS: KG G LB OZ SLUG LBT TON TONU T OZT CT GRAIN U MOL FORCE: N DYN GF KIP LBF PDL ENRG: J ERG KCAL CAL BTU FT*LB THER MEV EV POWR: W HP PRESS: PA ATM BAR PSI TORR MMH INHG INH20 TEMP: \^oC \^oF K \^oR ELEC: V A C \GW F W FDY H MHO S T WB ANGL: \^o R GRAD ARCMI ARCS SR LIGHT: FC FLAM LX PH SB LM CD LAM RAD: GY RAD REM SV BQ CI R VISC: P ST unit: adds the unit to the current object (real number) <\unit: convert to unit />unit: divide the current object by unit <\UNITS:CONV UBASE UVAL UFACT ->UNIT VAR: user variables name does EVAL <\name does STO />name does RCL EQ LIB: EQLIB COLIB MES UTILS EQLIB: EQNLI SOLVE MSOL EQLIB COLIB: CONLI CONS EQLIB MES: MSOL MINIT MITM MUSE MCAL MROO EQLIB UTILS: MINE ZFACT FANNI DARCY F0\Gl SIDEN TDELT TINC GMOL LBMO RPM DB EQLIB PICTURE: ZOOM (X,Y) TRACE FCN EDIT CANCL ZOOM: ZFACT BOXZ ZIN ZOUT ZSQR ZDFLT HZIN HZOUT VZIN VZOUT CNTR ZAUTO ZDECI ZINTG ZTRIG ZLAST PICT ZFACT: (zoom factor form) BOXZ: CANCL ZOOM FCN: ROOT ISECT SLOPE AREA SHADE EXTR F(X) F' TANL NXEQ VIEW PICT EDIT: DOT+ DOT- LINE TLINE BOX CIRCL MARK +/- LABEL DEL ERASE MENU SUB REPL PICT-> X,Y-> PICT Built-In Equations from the Equation Library: 1. Columns and Beams Elastic Buckling Eccentric Columns Simple Deflection Simple Slope Simple Moment Simple Shear Cantilever Deflection Cantilever Slope Cantilever Moment Cantilever Shear 2. Electricity Coloumb's Law Ohm's Law and Power Voltage Divider Current Divider Wire Resistance Series and Parallel R Series and Parallel C Series and Parallel L Capacitive Energy Inductive Energy RLC Current Delay DC Capacitor Current Capacitor Charge DC Inductor Voltage RC Transient RL Transient Resonant Frequency Plate Capacitor Cylindrical Capacitor Solenoid Inductance Toroid Inductance Sinusoidal Voltage Sinusoidal Current 3. Fluids Pressure at Depth Bernoulli Equation Flow with Losses Flow in Full Pipes 4. Forces and Energy Linear Machanics Angular Mechanics Centripetal Force Hooke's Law 1D Elastic Collisions Drag Force Law of Gravitation Mass-Energy Relation 5. Gases Ideal Gas Law Ideal Gas State Change Isothermal Expansion Polytropic Processes Isentropic Flow Real Gas Law Real Gas State Change Kinetic Theory 6. Heat Transfer Heat Capacity Thermal Expansion Conduction Convection Conduction + Convection Black Body Radiation 7. Magnetism Straignt Wire Force Between Wires B Field in Solenoid B Field in Toroid 8. Motion Linear Motion Object in Free Fall Projectile Motion Angular Motion Circular Motion Terminal Velocity Escape Velocity 9. Optics Law of Refraction Critical Angle Brewster's Law Spherical Reflection Spherical Refraction Thin Lens 10. Oscillations Mass-Spring System Simple Pendulum Conical Pendulum Torsional Pendulum Simple Harmonic 11. Plane Geometry Circle Ellipse Rectangle Regular Polygon Circular Ring Triangle 12. Solid Geometry Cone Cylinder Parallelepiped Sphere 13. Solid State Devices PN Step Junctions NMOS Transistors Bipolar Transistors JFETs 14. Stress Analysis Normal Stress Shear Stress Stress on an Element Mohr's Circle 15. Waves Transverse Waves Longitudinal Waves Sound Waves Bugs/ROM-Versions:: K First HP 48G/GX released; includes various bugs affecting ports. Therefore, version K was built only into HP 48G units. L Second HP 48G/GX released; fixed the port bugs. This ROM version is that present in the 2,000 HP 48GXs sold at the ASEE conference for $90 apiece. M Fixes a variety of bugs and includes a new display with better contrast. LM There is a bug that can easily cause memory to be reset if (1) the clock display is turned on, (2) a 128 KB RAM card is plugged in, and (3) the calculator is turned on and off (this may have to be done once, or numerous times). KLM If current equation writer equation GROB is larger than the LCD, the CHARS browser display will be corrupted. KLM If RAM cards are plugged into both ports and a library is stored into port 2, then a port-1 card that is not write-protected may be corrupted. P Current version as of 1/94. P XROOT gives results as if two stack levels are reversed if one of the two elements is a list. Notes:: The key label colors are chalele? green ("teal") and purple rain ("purple"). The case is gray (deep green, gun metal blue?). There is space for an engraved nameplate on the back. Ports 1 and 2 are swapped from the 48SX. The CPU code name Yorke refers to black member of Lewis & Clarke expedition. The RULES command puts up a crossword-style display that has the names of the product designers. (Information from Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz.) From Datafile V14N1 page 6 by Dave Arnett (HP): From the World Book Encyclopaedia: --- Charlemagne's grandfather, Charles Martel (688-741) ruled the Merovingian Frans. For repeatedly attacking the Moslems, Charles received the title of Martel, meaning the Hammer. --- The Palace School, set up at Charlemagne's capital in Aachen under the leadership of English scholar Alcuin (735-804) stimulated interest in education, philosophy, and literature. --- The HP48GX was code named Hammer to signify our commitment to repeatedly attacking in the Scientific Calculator market. --- The HP48G was code named Alcuin in that we hoped to reach college-bound studends with this product and help them have the skills and interest to excel in their future studies, even before high school graduation. Price changes: 1995-01-01 $265 1999-mid $179.95 circa 2001-03 Office Depot cost reported to be $35 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------+ | WHAT'S NEW | | IN THE HP48 G/GX | +--------------------+ collected & annotated by Joseph K. Horn (1) AUTOMATIC LIST PROCESSING. Almost all commands that did not accept a list as one of their arguments can do so now. Here are just a few examples: { 1 2 3 } SF sets flags 1, 2, and 3 { 1 2 3 } SQ returns { 1 4 9 } { 1 2 3 } { 4 5 6 } * returns { 4 10 18 } { freq dur freq dur ... } BEEP can play a song with no audible hiccup between tones. Since + has always been used to concatenate lists, a new ADD function exists to add the elements of two lists, like this: { 1 2 3 } { 4 5 6 } ADD returns { 5 7 9 }, whereas { 1 2 3 } { 4 5 6 } + returns { 1 2 3 4 5 6 } as it did before. (2) PORTS. Only port 1 can be merged in the GX. Card slot 2, which is intended for large-capacity RAM cards, is permanently "free", and is automatically divided up into 128K "ports", each of which becomes Port 2, Port 3, Port 4, etc. Up to 4 Megabytes can be plugged into slot 2, which would then become Port 2 through Port 33. (Although the FREE and MERGE commands were kept for HP 48SX compatibility, GX users will prefer the new FREE1 and MERGE1 commands). Therefore the maximum amount of merged main memory is 256K (unlike the SX which allowed up to 288K) after MERGE1; the maximum amount of fully online free independent memory is 4224K after FREE1. (3) LOCAL VARIABLES. Variable names prefixed with a <- (backarrow character) are compiled as local (temporary) variable name objects even if they're not explicitly after FOR or ->. This allows programs to share values through local variables, which is much faster than sharing values through global variables, and they get purged automatically. (4) SPEED. CPU clock speed is double the S/SX's, but throughput is estimated to be only 40% faster, primarily due to the fact that *all* RAM & ROM is now bankswitched (on the S/SX only a 32K portion of the ROM required bank switching), and it still has the same 4-bit bus bottleneck. (5) IMPROVED COMMANDS: AXES can now also specify the spacing of the tick marks. DEPND can now also specify the initial values and tolerance for the new DIFFEQ plot type. (6) HP SOLVE EQUATION LIBRARY CARD COMMANDS: AMORT, amortization calculations CONLIB, starts Constants Library catalog CONST, returns value of a named CONLIB constant DARCY, calculates Darcy friction factor EQNLIB, starts Equation Library catalog F0lambda, calculates black-body power fraction FANNING, calculates Fanning friction factor MCALC, marks an MSOLVR variable as "not user-defined" MINEHUNT, starts the "Minehunt" video game MINIT, initializes Mpar from 'EQ' for MSOLVR MITM, customizes title & menu of MSOLVR's screen MROOT, solve for variable(s) in MSOLVR MSOLVR, shows Multiple Equation Solver menu MUSER, marks an MSOLVR variable as "user-defined" SIDENS, density of silicon as function of temperature SOLVEQN, starts solver for specified EqLib equation(s) TDELTA, subtracts temperatures like "-" ought to but doesn't TINC, adds temperatures like "+" ought to but doesn't TVM, shows the financial calculator (Time Value of Money) menu TVMBEG, sets payments-at-beginning-of-periods mode TVMEND, sets payments-at-end-of-periods mode TVMROOT, solves for a TVM variable ZFACTOR, calculates gas compressibility factor Z Note: The EQ Card's Periodic Table and Tetris game are *not* in the HP 48G/GX. (7) NEW ARRAY COMMANDS: COL+, inserts a column vector into a matrix or a number into a vector (like INSCOL/PUTCOL in Donnelly's Tool Library) COL-, deletes a column from a matrix or number from a vector (identical to DELCOL in Donnelly's Tool Library) COL->, combines multiple column vectors into a matrix ->COL, breaks a matrix into multiple column vectors (like repeated GETCOL in Donnelly's Tool Library) COND, column norm condition number of a square matrix CSWP, swaps two columns in a matrix (like EXCOL in Donnelly's Tool Library) ->DIAG, returns vector of major diagonal elements of a matrix DIAG->, creates matrix with specified diagonal elements EGV, eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of a square matrix EGVL, eigenvalues of a square matrix FFT, discrete Fourier transform IFFT, inverse discrete Fourier transform LQ, returns the LQ factorization of a matrix LSQ, minimum norm least-squares solution to an ill-determined system of linear equations LU, returns the Crout LU decomposition of a square matrix PCOEF, returns polynomial with given roots (inverse of PROOT) PEVAL, evaluates polynomial at x PROOT, finds all roots of polynomial (inverse of PCOEF) QR, returns QR factorization of a matrix RANK, rank of a rectangular matrix (uses flag -54) RANM, creates matrix with random elements RCI, multiplies elements in one row of a matrix by a scalar RCIJ, does RCI then adds the result to a row ROW+, inserts a row vector into a matrix or a number into a vector (like INSROW/PUTROW in Donnelly's Tool Library) ROW-, deletes a row from a matrix or number from a vector (identical to DELROW in Donnelly's Tool Library) ROW->, combines multiple row vectors into a matrix ->ROW, breaks a matrix into multiple row vectors (like repeated GETROW in Donnelly's Tool Library) RSWP, swaps two rows in a matrix (identical to EXROW in Donnelly's Tool Library) SCHUR, computes the Schur decomposition of a square matrix SNRM, spectral norm of an array SRAD, spectral radius of a square matrix SVD, singular value decomposition of a matrix SVL, computes the singular values of a matrix TRACE, sum of diagonal elements of a square matrix (8) GRAPHICS & PLOTTING COMMANDS: ANIMATE, displays grobs on the stack sequentially. You can use the defaults, or specify your own delay between frames (can be *very* fast), the number of times to repeat the sequence, and even the pixel coordinates. It's just like a ROLL REPL loop... except very fast. Note: Charlie Patton converted 17 seconds of the Apollo moon-walk video into HP48 GROBs and ran them with ANIMATE, and it looked very good! ATICK, specifies tick spacing on plot axes EYEPT, specifies the eye-point coordinates in a perspective plot GRIDMAP, selects the new "gridmap" plot type PARSURFACE, selects the new "parametric surface" plot type PCONTOUR, selects the new "pcontour" plot type PICTURE, same as GRAPH command SLOPEFIELD, selects the new "slopefield" plot type WIREFRAME, selects the new "wireframe" plot type XVOL, sets the width of the 3D plotting volume XXRNG, sets the width of the 3D target mapping range for gridmap and parametric surface plots YSLICE, selects the new "yslice" plot type YVOL, sets the depth of the 3D plotting volume YYRNG, sets the depth of the 3D target mapping range for gridmap and parametric surface plots ZVOL, sets the height of the 3D plotting volume (9) USER-INTERFACE COMMANDS: CHOOSE, displays a point-and-click menu "dialog box" INFORM, formatted multi-line input with named fields (nice!!) MSGBOX, displays text in a centered box with shadow, then WAITs NOVAL, placeholder for unspecified values in INFORM argument list (10) LIST PROCESSING COMMANDS: ADD, adds lists element-wise (see section #1 above) DOLIST, evals an object on multiple lists DOSUBS, evals a program or command taking arguments from a list ENDSUBS, returns the number of loops the current DOSUBS will do HEAD, first element in a list or first char in a string (identical to CAR in Donnelly's Tool Library) DeltaLIST, list of first finite differences of list objects SigmaLIST, sum of the elements in a list PiLIST, product of the elements in a list NSUB, returns the current list pointer value during a DOSUBS REVLIST, reverses the order of the objects in a list (like REVERSE in Donnelly's Tool Library) SEQ, list of results from repeated execution of an object (like a FOR/STEP loop but the results go into a list) SORT, sorts elements in a list into ascending order, or sorts a list of lists using each list's first element as the key (can be done with LSORT/QSORT in Donnelly's Tool Library) STREAM, executes an object on first two elements of a list, then again on the result and the 3rd element, etc. Allows easy creation of things similar to SigmaLIST and PiList. TAIL, returns a decapitated list or string (see HEAD above) (identical to CDR in Donnelly's Tool Library) (11) SYSTEM COMMANDS: CYLIN, sets polar/cylindrical coordinate mode FREE1, like 1 FREE (see section #2 above) MERGE1, like 1 MERGE (see section #2 above) PINIT, port initialize, esp. important for 4-Meg RAM card users RECT, sets rectangular coordinate mode SPHERE, sets polar/spherical coordinate mode TEACH, loads the Owner's Manual examples into a dir in HOME VERSION, returns the operating system ROM version string Note: first 48G's will be version "K"; first 48GX's will be version "L" due to the removal of a port management bug in version "K" which does not affect the 48G. XRECV, Xmodem protocol receive (binary mode only) XSEND, Xmodem protocol send (binary mode only) (11) MATH COMMANDS: LININ, tests whether an equation is linear in a given variable NDIST, normal probability density PCOV, population covariance of SigmaDAT PSDEV, population standard deviation of SigmaDAT PVAR, population variance of SigmaDAT RKF, solves initial value problem using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg RKFERR, change in solution and absolute error using RKF RKFSTEP, next solution step with given error tolerance using RKF RRK, solves initial value problem using Rosenbrock & RKF RRKSTEP, next solution step with given error tolerance using RRK RSBERR, change in solution and absolute error using Rosenbrock (12) MENU NUMBERS & KEY CODES. Many menu numbers have changed, so software that uses # MENU or # TMENU may not work the same as in the HP 48S/SX. (Specifically, only menu numbers 0-3, 28, 30, and 42-59 are the same). Likewise, almost all of the shifted keycodes correspond to new commands and menus, which programmers must take into account; for example, the "RAD" key on the S/SX had the keycode 82.2, but it's 21.2 on the G/GX. The left-shift key, which was orange on the S/SX, is now purple [officially "lavender"], and the right-shift key which was blue on the S/SX is now green [officially "teal"] on the G/GX. Also, the digit-key menus can be activated by both shift keys; left-shift gives the softkey menus like in the S/SX, but the right-shift gives the new user-friendly full-screen menus. The unshifted keys remain identical to the S/SX, except for a cosmetic color change to match the very dark green of the calculator case. (13) MANUALS. The G/GX comes with two manuals, a "Getting Started" manual for newbies, and a cost-cutting, slimmer owner's manual called the "User's Guide" which will *not* cover programming in depth, since HP figures that the huge majority of all 48 owners never program it anyway. The few power users (namely, us!) can buy the optional "Advanced Users Guide" (similar to the S/SX's "Programmer's Reference Manual") which covers programming and other topics. Note: The accuracy and completeness of this list is in no way guaranteed, but I included everything I could find and tried to make it all clear. Please post addenda & corrigenda as you discover them so that we S/SX owners can all make a fast transition to the G/GX. (14) SUB and REPL now work with matrices to extract or substitute submatrices from/into matrices on the stack. ------------------------------------------------------------ HP48G/GX Key Locator Chart ----------------------------- Key Menu ---- ----------------- ! MTH PROB % MTH REAL %CH MTH REAL %T MTH REAL (0,1) MTH CONS \->ARR PRG TYPE \->COL MTH MATR COL \->DAT TIME \->DIAG MTH MATR \->GRO PRG GROB \->HMS TIME \->LCD PRG GROB \->LIST PRG LIST \->LIST PRG TYPE \->ROW MTH MATR ROW \->STR CHAR \->STR PRG TYPE \->TAG PRG TYPE \->TIM TIME \->UNIT <-UNITS (left-shift UNITS) \->UNIT PRG TYPE \->V2 MTH VECTR \->V3 MTH VECTR 1.E-4 MTH CONS 2.718 MTH CONS 3.141 MTH CONS 9.999 MTH CONS < PRG TEST <-DEL EDIT <-SKIP EDIT <= PRG TEST == PRG TEST > PRG TEST >= PRG TEST A UNITS AREA A UNITS ELEC A(angstrom) UNITS LENG ABS MTH CMPL ABS MTH MATR NORM ABS MTH REAL ABS MTH VECTR ACK TIME ALRM ACKA TIME ALRM ACOSH MTH HYP ACRE UNITS AREA ADD MTH LIST ALRM TIME AND MTH BASE LOGIC AND PRG TEST ANIMATE PRG GROB ARC PRG PICT ARCHIVE MEMORY ARCMI UNITS ANGL ARCS UNITS ANGL ARG MODES MISC ARG MTH CMPL ASCII I/O IOPAR ASINH MTH HYP ASN MODES KEYS ASR MTH BASE BIT ATANH MTH HYP ATM UNITS PRESS ATTACH LIBRARY AU UNITS LENG B UNITS AREA B\->R MTH BASE BAR UNITS PRESS BARPL STAT PLOT BAUD I/O IOPAR BBL UNITS VOL BEEP MODES MISC BEEP PRG OUT BESTF STAT \GSPAR MODL BIN MTH BASE BINS STAT 1VAR BLANK PRG GROB BOR PRG GROB BOX PRG PICT BQ UNITS RAD BTU UNITS ENRG BU UNITS VOL BUFLE I/O SERIA BXOR PRG GROB BYTES MEMORY C UNITS ELEC C UNITS SPEED C\->PX PRG PICT C\->R MTH CMPL C\->R PRG TYPE CAL UNITS ENRG CASE PRG BRCH CASE CD UNITS LIGHT CEIL MTH REAL CF MODES FLAG CF PRG TEST CHAIN UNITS LENG CHOOSE PRG IN CHR CHAR CHR PRG TYPE CI UNITS RAD CKSM I/O IOPAR CLK MODES MISC CLKA TIME CLLCD PRG OUT CLOSE I/O CL\GS STAT DATA CM UNITS LENG CM/S UNITS SPEED CMD MODES MISC CM^2 UNITS AREA CM^3 UNITS VOL CNRM MTH MATR NORM COL+ MTH MATR COL COL- MTH MATR COL COL\-> MTH MATR COL COMB MTH PROB CON MTH MATR NORM COND MTH MATR NORM CONJ MTH CMPL CONLI EQ LIB COLIB CONS EQ LIB COLIB CONV <-UNITS CORR STAT FIT COSH MTH HYP COV STAT FIT CR I/O PRINT CRDIR MEMORY DIR CROSS MTH VECTR CST MODES MENU CSWP MTH MATR COL CT UNITS MASS CU UNITS VOL CYLIN MODES ANGL CYLIN MTH VECTR D UNITS TIME D\->R MTH REAL DARCY EQ LIB UTILS DATE TIME DATE+ TIME DB EQ LIB UTILS DBUG PRG RUN DDAYS TIME DEC MTH BASE DECR MEMORY ARITH DEG MODES ANGL DEL\-> EDIT DELAL TIME ALRM DELAY I/O PRINT PRTPA DELK MODES KEYS DEPTH STACK DET MTH MATR NORM DETACH LIBRARY DIAG\-> MTH MATR DISP PRG OUT DO PRG BRCH DO DOERR PRG ERROR DOLIS PRG LIST PROC DOSUB PRG LIST PROC DOT MTH VECTR DROP2 STACK DRPN STACK DTAG PRG TYPE DUP STACK DUP2 STACK DUPN STACK DYN UNITS FORCE E MTH CONS EGV MTH MATR EGVL MTH MATR ELSE PRG BRCH IF ELSE PRG ERROR IFERR END MODES FMT END PRG BRCH CASE END PRG BRCH DO END PRG BRCH IF END PRG BRCH WHILE END PRG ERROR IFERR ENDS PRG LIST PROC EQ\-> PRG TYPE EQNLI EQ LIB EQLIB ERG UNITS ENRG ERR0 PRG ERROR ERRM PRG ERROR ERRN PRG ERROR EV UNITS ENRG EXPFI STAT \GSPAR MODL EXPM MTH HYP F UNITS ELEC F0\Gl EQ LIB UTILS FANNI EQ LIB UTILS FATH UNITS LENG FBM UNITS VOL FC UNITS LIGHT FC? MODES FLAG FC? PRG TEST FC?C MODES FLAG FC?C PRG TEST FDY UNITS ELEC FERMI UNITS LENG FFT MTH FFT FINDA TIME ALRM FINIS I/O SRVR FIX MODES FMT FLAM UNITS LIGHT FLOOR MTH REAL FM, MODES FMT FOR PRG BRCH FOR FP MTH REAL FREE1 LIBRARY FREEZE PRG OUT FS? MODES FLAG FS? PRG TEST FS?C MODES FLAG FS?C PRG TEST FT UNITS LENG FT*LB UNITS ENRG FT/S UNITS SPEED FTUS UNITS LENG FT^2 UNITS AREA FT^3 UNITS VOL G UNITS MASS GA UNITS SPEED GAL UNITS VOL GALC UNITS VOL GALU UNITS VOL GET MTH MATR NORM GET PRG LIST ELEM GETI MTH MATR NORM GETI PRG LIST ELEM GF UNITS FORCE GMOL EQ LIB UTILS GRAD MODES ANGL GRAD UNITS ANGL GRAIN UNITS MASS GY UNITS RAD H UNITS ELEC H UNITS TIME HA UNITS AREA HALT PRG RUN HEAD CHAR HEAD PRG LIST ELEM HEX MTH BASE HISTP STAT PLOT HMS+ TIME HMS- TIME HMS\-> TIME HP UNITS POWR HZ UNITS TIME I MTH CONS IDN MTH MATR NORM IF PRG BRCH IF IFERR PRG ERROR IFERR IFFT MTH FFT IFT PRG BRCH IFTE PRG BRCH IM MTH CMPL IN UNITS LENG INCR MEMORY ARITH INFO I/O IOPAR INFO I/O PRINT PRTPA INFO MODES MISC INFO STAT \GSPAR INFORM PRG IN INH2O UNITS PRESS INHG UNITS PRESS INPUT PRG IN INS EDIT IN^2 UNITS AREA IN^3 UNITS VOL IOPAR I/O IOPAR IP MTH REAL IR I/O IOPAR J UNITS ENRG K UNITS TEMP KCAL UNITS ENRG KERR I/O KEY PRG IN KG UNITS MASS KGET I/O SRVR KILL PRG RUN KIP UNITS FORCE KM UNITS LENG KM^2 UNITS AREA KNOT UNITS SPEED KPH UNITS SPEED L UNITS VOL LAM UNITS LIGHT LASTA PRG ERROR LB UNITS MASS LBF UNITS FORCE LBMO EQ LIB UTILS LBT UNITS MASS LCD\-> PRG GROB LIBS LIBRARY LINE PRG PICT LINFI STAT \GSPAR MODL LININ PRG TEST LM UNITS LIGHT LNP1 MTH HYP LOGFI STAT \GSPAR MODL LQ MTH MATR FACTR LR STAT FIT LSQ MTH MATR LU MTH MATR FACTR LX UNITS LIGHT LYR UNITS LENG M UNITS LENG M/S UNITS SPEED MANT MTH REAL MAX MTH REAL MAXR MTH CONS MAX\GS STAT 1VAR MCAL EQ LIB MES MEAN STAT 1VAR MEM MEMORY MENU MODES MENU MERG LIBRARY MEV UNITS ENRG MHO UNITS ELEC MI UNITS LENG MIL UNITS LENG MIN MTH REAL MIN UNITS TIME MINE EQ LIB UTILS MINIT EQ LIB MES MINR MTH CONS MIN\GS STAT 1VAR MITM EQ LIB MES MIUS UNITS LENG MIUS^2 UNITS AREA MI^2 UNITS AREA ML MODES FMT ML UNITS VOL MM UNITS LENG MMH UNITS PRESS MOD MTH REAL MOL UNITS MASS MPC UNITS LENG MPH UNITS SPEED MROO EQ LIB MES MSGB PRG OUT MSOL EQ LIB EQLIB MSOL EQ LIB MES MUSE EQ LIB MES M^2 UNITS AREA M^3 UNITS VOL N UNITS FORCE NDIST MTH PROB NEG MTH CMPL NEWO MEMORY NEXT PRG BRCH FOR NEXT PRG BRCH START NEXT PRG RUN NMI UNITS LENG NOT MTH BASE LOGIC NOT PRG TEST NOVA PRG IN NSUB PRG LIST PROC NUM CHAR NUM PRG TYPE N\GS STAT SUMS OBJ\-> CHAR OBJ\-> PRG LIST OBJ\-> PRG TYPE OCT MTH BASE OFF PRG RUN OLDPR I/O PRINT PRTPA OPENI I/O SERIA OR MTH BASE LOGIC OR PRG TEST ORDER MEMORY DIR OVER STACK OZ UNITS MASS OZFL UNITS VOL OZT UNITS MASS OZUK UNITS VOL P UNITS VISC PA UNITS PRESS PARIT I/O IOPAR PATH MEMORY DIR PC UNITS LENG PCOV STAT FIT PDIM PRG PICT PDL UNITS FORCE PERM MTH PROB PGDIR MEMORY DIR PH UNITS LIGHT PICK STACK PICT PRG PICT PIX? PRG PICT PIXOF PRG PICT PIXON PRG PICT PK UNITS VOL PKT I/O SRVR POS CHAR POS PRG LIST ELEM PR1 I/O PR1 I/O PRINT PREDX STAT FIT PREDY STAT FIT PRLCD I/O PRINT PROMPT PRG IN PRST I/O PRINT PRSTC I/O PRINT PRTPA I/O PRINT PRTPA PRVAR I/O PRINT PSDEV STAT 1VAR PSI UNITS PRESS PT UNITS VOL PUT MTH MATR NORM PUT PRG LIST ELEM PUTI MTH MATR NORM PUTI PRG LIST ELEM PVAR STAT 1VAR PVARS LIBRARY PVIEW PRG OUT PVIEW PRG PICT PWRFI STAT \GSPAR MODL PX->C PRG PICT QR MTH MATR FACTR QT UNITS VOL R UNITS ANGL R UNITS RAD R\->B MTH BASE R\->C MTH CMPL R\->C PRG TYPE R\->D MTH REAL RAD MODES ANGL RAD UNITS RAD RAND MTH PROB RANK MTH MATR NORM RANM MTH MATR NORM RCI MTH MATR ROW RCIJ MTH MATR ROW RCLAL TIME ALRM RCLF MODES FLAG RCLK MODES KEYS RCLM MODES MENU RCWS MTH BASE RD UNITS LENG RDM MTH MATR NORM RDZ MTH PROB RE MTH CMPL RECN I/O RECT MODES ANGL RECT MTH VECTR RECV I/O REM UNITS RAD REPEAT PRG BRCH WHILE REPL CHAR REPL MTH MATR NORM REPL PRG GROB REPL PRG LIST RESET I/O IOPAR RESET I/O PRINT PRTPA RESET MODES FLAG RESET STAT \GSPAR RESTORE MEMORY REVLI MTH LIST REVLI PRG LIST PROC RL MTH BASE BIT RLB MTH BASE BYTE RND MTH REAL RNRM MTH MATR NORM ROLL STACK ROLLD STACK ROT STACK ROW+ MTH MATR ROW ROW- MTH MATR ROW ROW\-> MTH MATR ROW RPM EQ LIB UTILS RR MTH BASE BIT RRB MTH BASE BYTE RREF MTH MATR FACTR RSD MTH MATR RSWP MTH MATR ROW S UNITS ELEC S UNITS TIME SAME PRG TEST SB UNITS LIGHT SBRK I/O SERIA SCATR STAT PLOT SCHUR MTH MATR FACTR SCI MODES FMT SCON MEMORY ARITH SDEV STAT 1VAR SEND I/O SEQ PRG LIST PROC SERVE I/O SRVR SF MODES FLAG SF PRG TEST SIDEN EQ LIB UTILS SIGN MTH CMPL SIGN MTH REAL SINH MTH HYP SINV MEMORY ARITH SIZE CHAR SIZE MTH MATR NORM SIZE PRG GROB SIZE PRG LIST ELEM SKIP\-> EDIT SL MTH BASE BIT SLB MTH BASE BYTE SLUG UNITS MASS SNEG MEMORY ARITH SNRM MTH MATR NORM SOLVE EQ LIB EQLIB SORT MTH LIST SORT PRG LIST PROC SPHER MODES ANGL SPHER MTH VECTR SR MTH BASE BIT SR UNITS ANGL SRAD MTH MATR NORM SRB MTH BASE BYTE SRECV I/O SERIA SST PRG RUN SST\|v PRG RUN ST UNITS VISC ST UNITS VOL START PRG BRCH START STD MODES FMT STEP PRG BRCH FOR STEP PRG BRCH START STIME I/O SERIA STK MODES MISC STO* MEMORY ARITH STO+ MEMORY ARITH STO- MEMORY ARITH STO/ MEMORY ARITH STOAL TIME ALRM STOF MODES FLAG STOK MODES KEYS STREA PRG LIST PROC STWS MTH BASE SUB CHAR SUB MTH MATR NORM SUB PRG GROB SUB PRG LIST SV UNITS RAD SVD MTH MATR FACTR SVL MTH MATR FACTR SYM MODES MISC T UNITS ELEC T UNITS MASS TAIL CHAR TAIL PRG LIST ELEM TANH MTH HYP TBSP UNITS VOL TDELT EQ LIB UTILS TEXT PRG OUT THEN PRG BRCH CASE THEN PRG BRCH IF THEN PRG ERROR IFERR THER UNITS ENRG TICKS TIME TIME TIME TINC EQ LIB UTILS TLINE PRG PICT TMEN MODES MENU TON UNITS MASS TONU UNITS MASS TORR UNITS PRESS TOT STAT 1VAR TRACE MTH MATR NORM TRAN I/O IOPAR TRN MTH MATR NORM TRNC MTH REAL TSP UNITS VOL TSTR TIME TVARS MEMORY DIR TYPE PRG TEST TYPE PRG TYPE U UNITS MASS UBASE <-UNITS UFACT <-UNITS UNTIL PRG BRCH DO UTPC MTH PROB UTPF MTH PROB UTPN MTH PROB UTPT MTH PROB UVAL <-UNITS V UNITS ELEC V\-> MTH VECTR VAR STAT 1VAR VARS MEMORY DIR VTYPE PRG TYPE W UNITS ELEC W UNITS POWR WAIT PRG IN WB UNITS ELEC WHILE PRG BRCH WHILE XCOL STAT \GSPAR XMIT I/O SERIA XOR MTH BASE LOGIC XOR PRG TEST XPON MTH REAL XRECV I/O XSEN I/O YCOL STAT \GSPAR YD UNITS LENG YD^2 UNITS AREA YD^3 UNITS VOL YR UNITS TIME ZFACT EQ LIB UTILS \=/ PRG TEST \GDLIST MTH LIST \Gm (mu) UNITS LENG \GPILIST MTH LIST \GS+ STAT DATA \GS- STAT DATA \GSDAT STAT DATA \GSLINE STAT FIT \GSLIST MTH LIST \GSPAR STAT \GSPAR \GSX STAT SUMS \GSX*Y STAT SUMS \GSX^2 STAT SUMS \GSY STAT SUMS \GSY^2 STAT SUMS \GW (omega) UNITS ELEC \PI MTH CONS \^o (degrees) UNITS ANGL \^oC UNITS TEMP \^oF UNITS TEMP \^oR UNITS TEMP \|^STK EDIT
Craig's Articles
Last modified Saturday, 2012-02-25T17:29:48-06:00.