This group of pages has my contributions to the Internet community.
These files are for the Freyja text editor package. This package includes what used to be in the Freyja and MemUtil packages, as well as the 'Thor' commands. Current version is 3.0.
This is a composite package that includes lots of things.
Freyja: an Emacs-type text editor that runs on MS/DOS systems in general and under the system manager on the HP95/100LX in particular. Freyja is especially well-suited to mini-laptops and systems with small amounts of disk space. It includes:
MemUtil: is a program for displaying and snapshoting memory in the HP95LX/HP100LX when the system manager is in operation.
Thor commands: these commands provide miscellaneous utility functions. They are:
NOTE: older versions are floating around the net. Watch out for distributions named
freyja<anything other than 30>
Freyja full release.
A web-based version of the Moon program is on the My Contributions page and a verison in RealBasic is in the Gadget software (in Calendar).
Creative Contributions
Others' Contributions
Internet FAQs
Last modified Tuesday, 2010-03-02T20:27:12-06:00.