
Model:	95LX

	Name:			Lotus Expandable
				Palmtop Portable
	Code-Name:		Jaguar
				Information Management Calculator
				Personal Information Computer
	Family:			-
	Logic:			-
	Features:		8086-compatible, MS/DOS, IBMPC, 19BII
	Firsts:			palmtop, painted key legends, second Lotus
		Date:		1991-4-23
		Price:		$699 ($695?)
		Date:		<2003-01-01
		Price:		$599 as of Mar 1992
	Production-Run:		400,000 as of March 1992

	Type:			LCD bitmap
	Size:			16 lines x 40 chars, 128 x 240 pixels
	Number-Formats:		-
	Annunciators:		^ shift arrow, lower right of main display

		Smallest:	-
		Largest:	-
		Signif.-Digits:	-
		Smallest:	-
		Largest:	-
		Signif.-Digits:	-
	Data-Types-and-Sizes:	byte

	Named-Registers:	-
	Flags:			-
	Register-Usage:		-
	Numbered-Registers:	-
	Program-Steps:		-
	Program-Editing:	-
	Program-Display:	-
	User-RAM-Bytes:		512K
	Total-RAM-Bytes:	512K
	ROM-Bytes:		1M
	Machine-State:		memory
	File-Types:		MSDOS

	Technology-Used:	CMOS?
	Processor:		NEC V20H 5.37 MHz
	Chip-Count:		5 (CPU, 2 ROM, 1 RAM, Hopper)
	Power-Source:		2 AA cells, 1 CR2032, DC in
	Continuous-Memory:	yes
	Expansion-Ports:	1 PCMCIA 1.0 / JEIDA 4.0 slot (sofware and bus
				addressing support two cards, but there is only
				one connector; software supports cards up to
				2 MegaBytes)
	I/O-Ports:		1 4-pin serial, I/R
	Clock:			yes, auto power off

	Length:			open 16 cm
				closed 8.64 cm
	Width:			16 cm
	Height:			open 16 cm
				closed 2.54 cm
	Weight:			312 g
		Operating:	0 to 45 deg C
		Charging:	-
		Storage:	-20 to 60 deg C
		Data-Retention:	0 to 45 deg C

	Switches:		none
	Shift-Keys:		^, yellow, above
				CTRL, ALT, and CHAR are also shift keys
	User-Defined-Keys:	CHAR-F1 to CHAR-F10


**  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **

**  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **

**  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **

  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **    **  **  **  **

**  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  ******  **  **  **  **

**  **  **  **********  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **


ESC   >|    F1    F2    F3    F4    F5    F6    F7    F8    F9    F10   ^    ON
FILER COMM  APPT  PHONE MEMO  LOTUS HPCALC (    )     <-    DEL   <     v     >
Q     W     E     R     T     Y     U     I     O     P     7     8     9     /
   A     S     D     F     G     H     J     K     L        4     5     6     *
CTRL  Z     X     C     V     B     N     M     ENTER       1     2     3     -
^     ALT   CHAR      SPACE         ,     @     MENU  ^     0     .     =     +


PRTSC |<                                                                PGUP
SETUP `     ~     !     #     $     &     |     \           INS   HOME PGDN END
							    [     ]     {     }
							    ;     :     '     "
							    <     >     ?     ^
							    CAPS  SCRL  _     %




Self-test: Close all applications and turn machine off.  Turn it on
with ESC + ON.

From the topcard (all applications closed), do Alt-LOTUS twice.  This
shows all of the people who worked on the 95LX.  Early versions only.




There appear to have been four versions so far.  You can find out
which version by looking at C:*.WK1.  Dates are:

	4-1-91	1.01A?
	6-5-91	1.01A
	9-24-91	1.03A

These have been fixed in the 1.03A ROMs:

- Copy /v bug (trashes target).
- The FILER only turns serial port power when Remote or System are
- The default timeout was changed from 5 to 3 minutes.
- Saving large APPT or PHONE files is now faster.
- The time to search for non-existant appointments is shorter.

Still unfixed bugs:

- Putting a leading double tab in a phone book entry will case loss of

- There is some sort of bug in the MEMO application.  Edit a moderate
sized file, say 40K.  Several times (>3), cut text from the file and
change to another file via the <menu> <file> <open> and so on
keystrokes in order to paste.  Save the original file before changing
to the other file each time.  After 4 or 5 cuts, you will be unable to
save the original file.  The application will report an out of disk
space error.  Trying to save to another name will cause the same thing
to happen.

- There is a bug in the APPT application.  If the default lead time is
set for a value greater than 5 minutes and the user sets the lead time
for a specific alarm for exactly 5 minutes, the alarm for that
specific appointment will be ignored.

The Fixup Bug:

There is a field called "relocation entries" in the header of .EXE and
.EXM files.  This field is a count of the number of places in the code
area that have to be relocated (or "fixed up") when the program is
loaded.  (There is also a table of the locations.)

There is a bug in the 95's ROM (all versions), such that it will on
occasion use the wrong count.  This occasion is:

	- the current program (i.e., the one that is being loaded) has
	a non-zero count, AND

	- the current program's count is less than the previous
	program's count (previous = the one you are switching from).

Stated another way, the loader uses the larger of the current and
previous counts, but only if the current count is non-zero.

Of course, if the wrong count is used, the loader will try to relocate
places that shouldn't be.  Depending on the values found in the table,
the wrong values may or may not cause problems, but in any event can
point anywhere in memory.

There is no known fix for the problem.  The workaround is to write
programs that have zero fixups.

Note that .COM files have no header, and hence always have zero


The machine is manufactured in two versions, US and international.
The US version is designated by a serial number that starts with ABA.
Both versions have a hidden _SYS directory.

- The US version has a number of extra files, including a copy of
DEBUG and a Hearts and Bones game.

- The international version has the menus in a second language.

- There are 11 international versions made (possibly 10 + English).
A serial number prefix indicates the version:

	ABA	US English
	ABB	Euro-English
	ABC	French, but with QUERTY key layout
	ABD	German
	ABE	Spanish
	ABF	French (AZERTY)
	ABZ	Italian
	+ 4-5 more

There is no Portugese.


Other key labels:

For Lotus:
	F1	F2	F3	F4	F5

	F6	F7	F8	F9	F10

No shift required to get off:


Used by HP CALC, labelled below:

	Z	X	C	V	B	N	M
	\v/x	1/x	x<>y	Rv	LAST	STO	RCL

Used where MENU key is not operative, labelled below:


This is the first calculator product to use painted key legends in
lieu of double injection molding. The reason, of course, is that this
device was produced in multiple keyboard layouts for international
markets.  International versions have messages in both English and one
other language. The US version has messages in English only: the extra
memory space contains an undocumented game and DEBUG.

This is the second HP product to include Lotus (the Portable was the

The calculator is based on the 19BII. Here is a summary of the
differences betweeen the 19BII and the HP calculator application in
the 95LX.  The question is: "is the calculator a *real* 19BII?"  The
answer is "yes, mostly."

Simple differences in the menu organization, and obvious physical
differences (keyboard, display, etc.) will not be mentioned.
(However, the algebraic mode uses precedence while the 19BII does
not.)  This list concetrates on functionality.

19BII menu		95LX notes

DISP	FIX ALL		Menu Options Format, adds Sci and Eng
	. ,		SETUP application

MODES	D/R		Menu Options
	BEEP		SETUP application
	PRNTR		SETUP application, only serial printers are supported
	INTL		SETUP application
	DEMO		--not available--
	ALG RPN		Menu Options

PRINTER	DISPL		Menu Print Stack
	LIST		1-2-3 application
	REGS		Menu Print Data, Menu Print Registers
	TIME		--not available--
	DBL		--not available--
	TRACE		--not available--

MATH	SINH COSH TANH	--not available--
	ASINH ACOSH ATANH --not available--

FIN	TVM AMRT TABLE	through 1-2-3 application
	CFLO		1-2-3 application
	BOND		1-2-3 application
	DEPRC		1-2-3 application

BUS	CURRX		different implementation
	UNITS		different implementation, missing temperature units

SUM			1 unnamed list, otherwise through 1-2-3 application

TIME	CALC		--not available--[*]
	APPT		APPT application
	ADJST		SETUP application
	SET		SETUP application

SOLVE (again, you get 1 unnamed sum list, otherwise through 1-2-3 application)
	SINH COSH TANH	--not available--
	ASINH ACOSH ATANH --not available--
	FLOW SIZEC #T	--not available--

TEXT			MEMO and PHONE applications

[*] The TIME CALC functions can be written using the solver as:


Limits on use: (1) when solving for DATE1 or DATE2, the actual
calendar is always used and (2) you have to solve for something once
before TODAY is initialized.

In conclusion, the material differences are:

	cash flows
	hyperbolics (yes, I wondered too: wondered, that is, why the
	  -19B and 19BII had these in the first place...)

The 1MB version uses code identical to the 512KB version.  In fact,
the only differences between the two are:

	- 512K: two, 512 KByte ROM chips and a 512 KByte RAM chip
	  1MB: one, 1MB ROM chip and two, 512 KByte RAM chips

	- the 1MB version has "1MB" printed on the bezel.

What happened to the rest of the DOS commands? The following story
appears likely:

	- HP looked at how much ROM space was available and made a
	list of what they wanted to include.
	- They took this list to Microsoft and licensed the code.
	- Now, when users say "what about the rest of DOS?" HP found
	that the rest wasn't included in the license.
	- So HP's and Microsoft's lawyers must get together and

The #1 customer like is its small size.  Also, the #1 customer dislike
is the small size.

In the 95's hinge, there is a clutch on the right and the left hinge
is just loose.  This is good for cradle users, as you tend to push on
the right hinge to free the 95 from the cradle.

While getting production going on the cradles, a production engineer
thought that the cradle was too narrow.  It turns out that new 95s
were 3/10000" (or maybe 3/1000") bigger that spec.  Cradle was fixed.

The cradle reduces the I/R range to 3-4 inches if using one cradle, 1
inch if using two cradles.

Units that have been upgraded to 1MB have a "2" pressed into the case
after the serial number.

One of these is on display in the Computer Museum in Boston.

From comp.sys.palmtops on 25 Nov 92 17:19:09 GMT
From: jeff@vme.heurikon.com (Jeff Mattox)

During a cold boot, there are four locations that are written to in
error.  These locations are a few K bytes before the end of 512Kbyte
RAM.  They are all in the same disk sector.  They are always the same
four bytes.  On a 512K machine, those bytes are certainly in your RAM
disk.  On a 1Meg machine, those bytes will be in your RAM disk only if
your RAM disk is allocated enough RAM so as to cross over the middle
of RAM. (The RAM disk starts at the end of memory and grows down.)

If the sector happens to be part of a directory entry, there goes your
file.  If the sector happens to be part of a file, there goes part of
your file.  You will likely get an I/O error when you try to access
the file.  The built-in applications might refuse to load any part of
the file.

The trick is to find a way to save the four bytes and restore them
after a cold boot.

Ace Technologies has a new program that will repair your damaged RAM
disk after most cold boots.  I say "most" because the program runs
from your AUTOEXEC.BAT and if your C:CONFIG.SYS, C:AUTOEXEC.BAT, or
the repair program itself is the corrupted file, then it won't help.
If you run it from a RAM card, then you might be safe, I'm not sure.
Also, after you reboot and go to SETUP, your RAM disk gets packed.
That might change the absolute location of files on your RAM disk, so
the next cold boot might affect a different file.  The program was
once called "unreset" -- it might have a new name now.

price change
	1993-05-04	$550??



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I am Craig A. Finseth.

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Last modified Saturday, 2012-02-25T17:30:04-06:00.