Some songs with similar (but different) names have been combined.
- Aboard the Good Censor Ship: Ruby 3,
Galactic Gumshoe, Part Two: The Invisible World
- Are You Paranoid?: Ruby 7, Dream Weaver,
Dream Deceiver
- B.B. Brain & the Polecats: The Android
Sisters: Pull No Punches
- Barking Up the Wrong Tree: Ruby 5, The
Land of Zoots: Part Two, The Best of
the Android Sisters
- The Bomb: Ruby, The Big Deal
- Boogie Woogie Bugle Droid: Stars and
- A Coconut Cooed: The Android Sisters: Songs
of Electronic Despair, The Best of the
Android Sisters
- Come the Christian Inquisition: Ruby 3,
Galactic Gumshoe, Part Two: The Invisible World
- Cowboys & Arabs: The Android Sisters:
Pull No Punches
- Dear Mr. President: The Android Sisters:
Pull No Punches
- Diddley: The Android Sisters: Pull No
- Digital Dream: Ruby 5, The Land of
Zoots: Part Two
- Donkeys and Elephants: Ruby 3, Galactic
Gumshoe, Part Two: The Invisible World
- Down on the Electronic Farm: Ruby 3,
Galactic Gumshoe, Part Two: The Invisible World, The Android Sisters: Songs of Electronic
Despair, The Best of the Android
- Do You Know Who?: Ruby 7, Dream Weaver,
Dream Deceiver
- Dumb is Fun: The Android Sisters: Songs of
Electronic Despair, The Best of the
Android Sisters
- Electric (Electronic) Sheep: Ruby, The
Big Deal, The Best of the Android
- Elephants and Donkeys: The Best of the
Android Sisters
- The FCC, Whee: The Android Sisters: Pull
No Punches
- Fool Around with a Frankie: Ruby, The Big
- The Free Market: The Android Sisters: Pull
No Punches
- Great Man: Ruby 5, The Land of Zoots:
Part Three
- Guess Who?: The Android Sisters: Pull No
- Hee Hee: Ruby 5, The Land of Zoots: Part
- Hello, Anyone Home?: The Android Sisters:
Pull No Punches
- Hey, Cheese Nose!: The Android Sisters:
Pull No Punches
- Hey, Monster Maker: The Android Sisters:
Pull No Punches
- Holy Moly: The Android Sisters: Pull No
- Huh?: Ruby 3, Galactic Gumshoe, Part
Two: The Invisible World, The Android
Sisters: Songs of Electronic Despair, The Best of the Android Sisters
- Invasion: Ruby 3, Galactic Gumshoe, Part
Two: The Invisible World, The Android
Sisters: Pull No Punches, The Android
Sisters: Songs of Electronic Despair, The Best of the Android Sisters
- It's Not Out There: Ruby 3, Galactic
Gumshoe, Part Two: The Invisible World
- Let's Make a Puppet: The Android Sisters:
Pull No Punches
- Livin' in the 50's: The Android Sisters:
Songs of Electronic Despair, The Best
of the Android Sisters
- Macho Erotico: Ruby 7, Dream Weaver, Dream
- Macho Robot or The Banana Trilogy: The
Android Sisters: Songs of Electronic Despair
- Magical Song: Ruby 3, The Galactic
Gumshoe, Part One: The Underworld
- Money Money Money: Ruby, The Big
Deal, The Best of the Android
- My Beautiful Flag: The Android Sisters:
Pull No Punches
- Now Is a Very Long Time: Ruby 7, Dream
Weaver, Dream Deceiver
- Oh Brother: The Android Sisters: Pull No
- The Profit of War: Ruby 7, Dream Weaver,
Dream Deceiver
- Ray-dee-oh: Ruby 3, Galactic Gumshoe,
Part Two: The Invisible World, The
Android Sisters: Songs of Electronic Despair, The Best of the Android Sisters
- Robots Are Coming: Ruby, The Big
Deal, The Android Sisters: Songs of
Electronic Despair, The Best of the
Android Sisters
- Rogue Elephant: The Android Sisters: Pull
No Punches
- Sacred Cows: Ruby 5, The Land of Zoots:
Part Two
- The Scrub Ladies: Ruby 3, Galactic
Gumshoe, Part Two: The Invisible World
- The Secret: The Android Sisters: Pull No
- A Shaggy War: The Android Sisters: Pull No
- Sheep: Ruby 5, The Land of Zoots: Part
- Some Like It Hot!: Ruby 7, Dream Weaver,
Dream Deceiver
- Sss-X Minus One: Ruby 3, Galactic
Gumshoe, Part Two: The Invisible World, The Android Sisters: Songs of Electronic
Despair, The Best of the Android
- The Story of the Sub Liminal: It's Immoral, But They do it to You
Anyways: Ruby 3, Galactic Gumshoe, Part Two:
The Invisible World, The Best of the
Android Sisters
- Telephone Wires in the Tropics: The Android
Sisters: Songs of Electronic Despair, The Best of the Android Sisters
- That Man is Dangerous: The Android
Sisters: Pull No Punches
- Thinking Is Just Thinking: Ruby 7, Dream
Weaver, Dream Deceiver
- Treasury Wizards: Ruby, The Big
- Trickle Think: Ruby 7, Dream Weaver, Dream
- We Are Androids: Ruby 3, The Galactic
Gumshoe, Part One: The Underworld
- Who Nose?: Ruby, The Big Deal
- A Yello Cello?: Ruby 5, The Land of
Zoots: Part Three